IPTA 2015 Annual Conference
Stamford Grand Hotel Glenelfg, South Australia, AustraliaBrochure
On 28 April 2015, IPTA commences a new series of free webinars for its members, to be held monthly on the last Tuesday of the month. The first webinar will be presented by IP barrister Andrew Fox. Andrew will be making a 60 minute presentation exploring why it is that obviousness is so hard to
You have just read some juicy documents obtained through a Notice to Produce in opposition proceedings, or discovery and evidence in court proceedings. Can this new knowledge be used for commercial gain? If so, when and how? This is a one hour seminar designed to address CPE 'Ethics / Professional Conduct' requirements. It explores the
Clare Cunliffe will give a 60 minute presentation exploring the special requirements and features of whole of contents novelty. Clare will discuss the case law concerning the formulation of notional claims, the difficulties in formulating notional claims, and how proving anticipation using a notional claim might differ from the standard approach to anticipation.
On 28 July 2015, Melbourne IP barrister Susan Gatford will present on expert evidence. Susan will make a 40 minute presentation discussing the rules and procedures that apply to expert evidence in Court proceedings and the underlying rationales for those rules and procedures. Susan’s presentation will provide patent and trade mark practitioners with advice as to how
On 25 August, Melbourne IP barrister Andrew Sykes will make a presentation on Update on the distinctiveness of trade marks under s.41 of the Trade Marks Act. On 25 August, Melbourne IP barrister Andrew Sykes will make a presentation on Update on the distinctiveness of trade marks under s.41 of the Trade Marks Act. Andrew will
'To boldly reform IP dispute resolution - Experience in the Intellectual Property Court' with Justice Colin Birss.
'To boldly reform IP dispute resolution - Experience in the Intellectual Enterprise Court' With Justice Colin Birss. Video
On 29 September, Dr John McCann will make a presentation on the assignment of the right of priority of IP rights with emphasis on patents. John will briefly review some important cases in the EPO, UK and France on this topic which highlight what can happen in a worst case scenario in those jurisdictions when
On 27 October, Melbourne IP barrister Campbell Thompson will discuss the recent decisions in the High Court of Australia in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc HCA 35 (7 October 2015) and AstraZeneca AB v Apotex Pty Ltd HCA 30 (2 September 2015), and some of their possible practical implications.
On 24 November, Melbourne IP barrister Tom Cordiner will discuss the practical effect and implications of Rares J’s two decisions in Apotex Pty Ltd Les Laboratoires Servier FCA 1426 and FCA 104 regarding the best method ground of invalidity and amendment to overcome that ground, respectively.
For further details please view the flyer.
On 3 May 2016 Dr Trevor Davies outlined important sections of the Code of Conduct for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys 2013, discussed potential conflicts of interest, and provided practical tips to assist practitioners to meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct and minimise risk of potential conflicts and complaints from clients. Patent and trade
For IPTA Members Only On 31 May 2016 Dr John Landells will provide an update regarding the alignment between Australia and New Zealand in relation to patent practice and the patent attorney profession. John will provide a brief review on the proposed single application and examination process (SAP & SEP) being implemented by IP Australia
This month Sydney IPTA is getting into the spirit of gin (or vodka or event a nice white rye). What could be more IPTA than spending a chilly evening warming up with some distillery know-how and three hand-hammered copper pot stills?
On 24 June 2016, Ed Heerey QC will be providing a summary of notable Australian Court trade mark cases and decisions of the Australian Trade Mark Office which have issued over the past year. Link to Register
If you’ve been thinking that there hasn’t been much legal action in the trade mark parallel importation space since the 2012 decisions in Paul’s Retail and Lonsdale, you would have been largely correct - until a few months ago. In April this year, the Productivity Commission made a series of recommendations to reform section 122
On 4th October Ben Fitzpatrick will provide an update of significant patent cases in the last 12 months. register
On Tuesday 25 October 2016, Steve Gledhill and Joe Seisdedos will present a webinar detailing their experiences with prosecuting Australian patent applications following the tumultuous changes in practice following the High Court’s decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc. and the Full Federal Court’s decision in Commissioner of Patents v RPL Central Pty Ltd. Steve
Presented in conjunction with Melbourne Law School. What does a good IP System look like? Good for whom? Pippa Hall Chief Economist, United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office In a world where the intangible assets of intellectual property are of increasing commercial significance, governments are looking to IP as the engine of economic growth. Governments are also
Presented in conjunction with Melbourne Law School. What does a good IP System look like? Good for whom? Pippa Hall Chief Economist, United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office In a world where the intangible assets of intellectual property are of increasing commercial significance, governments are looking to IP as the engine of economic growth. Governments are also
Presented in conjunction with Melbourne Law School. What does a good IP System look like? Good for whom? Pippa Hall Chief Economist, United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office In a world where the intangible assets of intellectual property are of increasing commercial significance, governments are looking to IP as the engine of economic growth. Governments are also
On 29 November 2016, Tim Heberden will be presenting a webinar on the Relevance of IP valuation to attorneys and their clients. Tim is the Director of IP Economics at Griffith Hack and a director of the Global Business Valuation Board of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He is a specialist in IP valuation,
On Friday 17 February 2017, Daniel Wise will present a webinar discussing the impact of Brexit on the patent regime in Europe. While the UK’s momentous decision to leave the EU may have little immediate impact on the core business of obtaining and knocking out patents at the EPO, it raises profound questions about the
DETAILS Start: 26 Apr 2017 End: 29 Apr 2017 Event Categories: Annual Events, Perth Website: http://www.ipta.org.auVENUE Crown Perth Perth, Western Australia, Australia ORGANISER IPTAFEES View registration fees here PROGRAM View our program and general information here BOOK ACCOMMODATION Crown, Perth - book now Bunker Bay Resort, Margaret River - book nowRegistrations for the
On 23 May 2017 Andrew Christie will provide an update, see below. The Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board is undertaking a review of the Code of Conduct. Last month the Board issued a Consultation Paper containing proposals for amendment of the Code, submissions on which are sought by 3 June. The key proposals are to elaborate
On 27 June 2017, Clive Elliott QC will present a webinar, discussing the general legal landscape in New Zealand, but with a comparative IP focus. In doing so, he will review the New Zealand legal system, its hierarchy and key features and compare them broadly with Australia. This will include a discussion of the hierarchy
On 15 August 2017 Dr Warwick Rothnie will be talking about the below. In Actavis UK Limited v Eli Lilly and Company UKSC 48, the UK Supreme Court significantly expanded the scope of patent infringement to catch functional “equivalents” which otherwise fell outside the claim construed in accordance with Catnic. This webinar will look at
On 29 August 2017 Michael Caine will present the following. The last major revision of Article 4 of the Paris Convention took place in Lisbon in 1958; a time when foreign applications were sent to foreign associates by mail rather than email or facsimile. There was also no PCT, and applications were not generally published
On 12 September 2017 Sheana Wheeldon will be presenting the below webinar. This webinar will cover the ins and outs of IPONZ trade mark proceedings – oppositions, invalidity applications and revocation. Key topics include: Procedural issues. Evidence preparation. Extensions of time. Important differences between New Zealand provisions and practices, and those in Australia. REGISTER ONLINE
On 6 October 2017 Andrew Fox will be presenting the below webinar. This webinar will address issues arising with respect to the ownership and assignment of IP rights, and also pose some example scenarios where problems may arise. Some of the topics to be discussed include: Is there a best structure to adopt for ownership
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School The European patent system: serving the global economy Benoît Battistelli - President, European Patent Office While the driving force behind the innovation process is people, patents have an important role to play by opening the door to capital and business partners. A study published last year by the
On 18 October 2017 Richard Mair, Mike Jennings and Carin Burchell will be presenting the below webinar: A brief introduction to The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys and its functions. Founded in 1882, CIPA is the representative body for patent attorneys in the UK. Cost-saving and acceleration opportunities at key decision points for European
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School The European patent system: serving the global economy Benoît Battistelli - President, European Patent Office While the driving force behind the innovation process is people, patents have an important role to play by opening the door to capital and business partners. A study published last year by the
On 21 November 2017 Tim Bianchi will be presenting the below Webinar: The U.S. PTO’s PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) just celebrated its fifth year of operation. This presentation will summarize how IPR practice before the PTAB has evolved over the past five years, how patent stakeholders have used IPR, and the future
On 27 February 2018 Dr Warwick Rothnie and Susan Gatford will present the below Webinar: Registered designs are an important part of the IP rights armory but are often overlooked by clients (at least until it is too late). Staying abreast of recent developments in design law, the shifting concept of the informed user, issues
On 27 March 2018 Donal O'Connell will present the below Webinar: Trade secrets have been the neglected step-child of IP. Historically, little thought, other than perhaps a non-disclosure agreement, was given to valuing and protecting trade secrets. The current legal and political landscape however makes the old approach untenable. Trade secret laws are changing; there
18th to 21st April - The Langham Hotel, Melbourne PROGRAM View our program and general information here FEES View registration fees here ACCOMMODATION The Langham, Melbourne Registration is now closed
On 28 May 2018 John Cotterill and Meena Wahi will present the following Webinar: John Cotterill from BMS will discuss Trade Mark Protect Insurance including how it came to be and how it may cover various costs between attorneys and their clients. Meena Wahi from Cyber Data-Risk Managers will discuss Pursuit and Enforcement cover
On 26 June 2018 Bob Kramer will present the below Webinar: Recent legal decisions are rapidly changing a few areas of IP law in the United States. In this webinar, we will seek to: (1) update recent changes in patent eligibility (§101), obviousness, and written description; (2) identify U.S. issues that may be important to
On 31 July 2018 Andrew Sykes will present the below Webinar: It has been over five years since trade mark opposition procedure received a major overhaul. Now with the guidance of authorities and some recent trends this talk will address the following issues of good practice: -Statements of Grounds and Particulars and amendments to
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School Intellectual Property and the Business of Innovation Bill Ferris AC - Chair, Innovation and Science Australia board Against the backdrop of over a quarter of a century of uninterrupted growth, and stock markets posting new multi-year highs, it is tempting to conclude that Australian business is in
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School Intellectual Property and the Business of Innovation Bill Ferris AC - Chair, Innovation and Science Australia board Against the backdrop of over a quarter of a century of uninterrupted growth, and stock markets posting new multi-year highs, it is tempting to conclude that Australian business is in
On 18 September 2018 Peter Karcher will present the below Webinar: As a trusted adviser to your clients, it can be a real “value add” to know the basics of some of the fundamental legal agreements which your clients are going to encounter at some point in their business growth lifecycle. IP licensing is growing
On 23 October 2018 Ben Roxborough will present the below Webinar: To say that the sands have been shifting with respect to Section 101 jurisprudence would severely understate the seismic change that U.S. law has experienced in recent years. The consequence is that the lines between sections 101, 102 and 103 have been blurred. But
On 30 October 2018 Rachelle Downie will present the below Webinar: The focus of this webinar is on patent entitlement and ownership. The webinar will address the current position regarding patent entitlement, including by reference to the decision of Merial, Inc v Intervet International B.V. The session will also address common patent ownership issues, particularly
On 20 November Tim Bianchi will present the below Webinar: The U.S. PTO’s PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) just celebrated its fifth year of operation. This presentation will summarize how IPR practice before the PTAB has evolved, particularly over the last year that has seen some significant developments.
On 30 November 2018 Craig Smith will present the below Webinar: Parameteritis (or parametritis) – is there such a condition affecting patent claims? In 2004 Bennett J imported this term into the Australian patent lexicon in her Honour’s decision in Williams Advanced Materials Inc v Target Technology Co LLC. This has led to a spate
Ms Wei Xin will talk on the below on 5 March 2019 China has become a focus for many Australian companies, and it is a favorite destination for trade and business missions. Attending and exhibiting at the many international expos and trade shows in China is increasingly common. Unfortunately, many take with them the “everything
Mr Paul Smith and Ms Mihaela Hutanu will talk on the below: Synopsis: Following almost four years of consultations, the new Canadian Trademarks Act and Trademark Regulations will come into force on June 17, 2019. This webinar will cover changes to the Canadian trademark regime that will affect Canadian filings and practice, including: • New
***Registration is now closed*** ACCOMMODATION Follow this link to book your accommodation: Sheraton Accommodation FLIGHTS IPTA has block booked flights for our delegates convenience via Flight Centre. Book your group rate for flights to the 2019 IPTA Annual Conference by contacting: Peter J Handke Group Travel Manager Flight Centre Travel Group peter.handke@flightcentre.com.au P +61 3
Ms Stephanie Melnychuk will present the below Webinar Synopsis: The practice of law demands much of our minds and bodies. Devotion to our work can mean late nights at our desks, limited exercise, reduced sleep, and elevated levels of stress. However, dedication to our profession need not come at the expense of our mental and
/ Our Speakers – Katrina Howard and Karen Sinclair SYNOPSIS Behaving professionally, ethically and in compliance with the Code of Conduct - Comments on the New Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Disciplinary Tribunal from the Old Tribunal - New potential for conflict arising from incorporation of patent and trade mark attorney firms. - Guidance on conduct from
New Competition Law Risks for IP Licences and Assignments Mr Richard Hoad will be presenting this Webinar Synopsis Since at least 1965, Australia's competition laws have provided a limited exemption in relation to the licensing and assignment of intellectual property. That exemption, in section 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), will cease on
Disclosure Requirements in Australia & New Zealand and whether Australia’s approach to enablement is consistent with Europe We are pleased to advise that Jane Glover and Dan Beck will be presenting this Webinar on Tuesday 27 August 2019 Synopsis Australia The Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Act 2012 came into force
MASTERCLASS IN IP VALUATION SYDNEY 9-10 September 2019 The IPTA Academy of Education Masterclass in IP Valuation is a one and a half day course which will teach you the important concepts in valuation methodology, as well as put the learning into practice, with examples in value-based strategy, IP transactions, fund raising, litigation, licensing, JV’s,
Designing for the Future: Design and Intellectual Property in Australia Ms Beata Khaidurova and Ms Ramila Clugston will be presenting this Webinar Synopsis Great design is a core part of innovation: it envisions, defines, and informs how we interact with our environment – real and digital. Design is also a source of intangible value and
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School "IP Law Reform in Australia: a story of mixed successes and failures" Professor Sam Ricketson - Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne Australia’s intellectual property laws have proliferated since federation, when responsibility for them was placed in the new Commonwealth Parliament. Many of these have been imported from
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School "IP Law Reform in Australia: a story of mixed successes and failures" Professor Sam Ricketson - Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne Australia’s intellectual property laws have proliferated since federation, when responsibility for them was placed in the new Commonwealth Parliament. Many of these have been imported from
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School "IP Law Reform in Australia: a story of mixed successes and failures" Professor Sam Ricketson - Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne Australia’s intellectual property laws have proliferated since federation, when responsibility for them was placed in the new Commonwealth Parliament. Many of these have been imported from
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School "IP Law Reform in Australia: a story of mixed successes and failures" Professor Sam Ricketson - Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne Australia’s intellectual property laws have proliferated since federation, when responsibility for them was placed in the new Commonwealth Parliament. Many of these have been imported from
YIPTA in association with IP Australia is holding a Panel Discussion on Manner of Manufacture To be held in Brisbane Thursday 7 November 2019 Time: 6:15pm-7:15pm (refreshments and canapes from 5:45pm and after the event) Venue: Spruson & Ferguson Level 6/175 Eagle St Brisbane City QLD 4000 Live streaming
**Due to technical issues, please log in before registering**
A MASTERCLASS IN PATENT OPPOSITIONS MELBOURNE 5-6 March 2020 The Patent Opposition Masterclass is a well-crafted session designed to allow patent attorneys to sharpen their opposition practice. The 2-day course will traverse important aspects of patent opposition practice with a case study to put learnings into practice. The course will be interactive and provide a
Cyber Security Awareness: Why jeopardise your hard work, your firm, your clients? Our Speakers – Iby Boztepe and Richard Head Synopsis The ‘Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’ manages the reporting of “Notifiable Data Breaches”. Every reporting period has seen an increased number of breach reports across all industries. Cyber security threats are real and
CREATIVE, OR JUST CRAZY? INVENTORSHIP AND OTHER IMPLICATIONS OF AI FOR PATENT LAW Our Speaker - Mark Summerfield Synopsis In August 2019 the ‘Artificial Inventor Project’ team led by Ryan Abbott, Professor of Law and Health Sciences at University of Surrey UK, announced that it had filed a number of patent applications naming an
This event has now ended. Click here for recordings
PATENT PROTECTION IN INDIA – PROCEDURES AND TIPS FOR POSITIVE OUTCOMES Our Speaker - Essenese Obhan Synopsis Recent years have seen a transformation of the Indian Patent Office as well as Indian courts, which have impacted both the protection and enforcement of patent rights in the country. While the system has significantly improved over time,
GREAT DESIGN & INNOVATION COMES FROM GREAT DIVERSITY Synopsis Good design matters. Great design leads to amazing outcomes for the company that builds it, the customers that use it and the investors that fund it. Come along and join a conversation about diversity & inclusion and the impact it has on design and innovation. You’ll
"Is Construction with an eye to the infringement ever taboo?" A Review of issues arising in Globaltech Corporation v Australian Mud Company HCATrans 45 Synopsis This Webinar will address issues arising on claim construction and whether it is ever impermissible to construe in light of alleged infringements. Reference will be made to the circumstances in
“How to WayBack” - A Guide to using WayBack Machine and other Internet Sourced Evidence in the Office and in Court Synopsis In recent years, websites and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have provided attorneys with a ready resource for evidence in patent and trade mark prosecutions, oppositions and removal applications
Presented in conjunction with The Melbourne Law School In conversation with Francis Gurry - Intellectual Property's past, present and future Dr Francis Gurry In October 2020, Francis Gurry concluded 35 years of service with the World Intellectual Property Organization - the last 12 as Director General. His achievements with WIPO include the design and implementation
In the event that government restrictions cause this event to be cancelled IPTA will refund all ticket monies
In the event that government restrictions cause this event to be cancelled IPTA will refund all ticket monies
In the event that government restrictions cause this event to be cancelled IPTA will refund all ticket monies
In the event that government restrictions cause this event to be cancelled IPTA will refund all ticket monies
Patent drafting and internal requirements: where are we post-Raising the Bar? Webinar – Tuesday 15th December 2020 Synopsis: This is the first of a two-part series (part 2 will be on 2 February 2021) focusing on the internal requirements of sufficiency, support and best method as introduced by the Raising the Bar amendments to the
***REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED*** A MASTERCLASS IN PATENT OPPOSITIONS SYDNEY 8-9 February 2021 The highly valuable Patent Opposition Masterclass was held in Melbourne in March 2020. Given the overwhelming positive feedback, the Institute now brings this course to Sydney in February 2021. The Masterclass is a well-crafted session designed to allow patent attorneys to sharpen
In the event that government restrictions cause this event to be cancelled IPTA will refund all ticket monies
Speaker: Julie Robb, Banki Haddock Fiora Time: Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm (AEDT) Adelaide: 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm Brisbane: 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm Perth: 10.00 am – 11.00 am
IPTA Members only webinar - check your inbox for invitation
IPTA MEMBERS ONLY WEBINAR – CHECK YOUR INBOX FOR INVITATION https://ipta.org.au/attorneys/memberresources/online-education-portal/
See the education portal for recording & slides
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RSVP: Monday 22 November 2021
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Click here for further details and to register Peppers Salt Resort & Spa
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IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
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IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
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IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
Click here to register **NOTE: REGISTRATION for this webinar CLOSES ON Monday 12/09/2022**
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
Click here to register **NOTE: REGISTRATION for this webinar CLOSES ON Monday 12/09/2022**
2022 Francis Gurry Lecture on Intellectual Property "Art and Authorship: From Warhol to the Creativity Machine" to be presented by Shira Perlmutter Register of Copyrights and Director, U.S. Copyright Office in-person and live-streamed on Thursday, 18 October 2022 6:15pm AEDT (NSW Tas Vic) 5:45pm ACDT (SA) 5:15pm AEST (Qld) 3:15pm AWST (WA) 8:15pm NZDT (NZ) Please join
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IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
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IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
A MASTERCLASS IN TRADE MARK OPPOSITIONS MELBOURNE Thursday 2 - Friday 3 March 2023 Following on from previous successful masterclasses in other areas of practice the Academy of Education is proud to present a masterclass dedicated to Trade Mark opposition practice and procedure. The Masterclass will be held in Melbourne on Thursday 2 and Friday
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course
IP Administrator's Course - Enrolled students only webinar Click here for further details on this course ***Exam time tbc***
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The Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia Presents A MASTERCLASS IN TRADE MARK OPPOSITIONS Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May 2023 Establishment Rooms, Sydney Open to IPTA Members only
IPTA is pleased to present a New Zealand Patent and Trade Mark Practice Workshop The Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia A NEW ZEALAND PATENT & TRADE MARK PRACTICE WORKSHOP Tuesday 22 August - Sydney Open to IPTA Members Only
IPTA is pleased to present a New Zealand Patent and Trade Mark Practice Workshop The Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia A NEW ZEALAND PATENT & TRADE MARK PRACTICE WORKSHOP Wednesday 23 August - Melbourne Open to IPTA Members only
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A webinar presented by Rob McMaster from DLA Piper, focused on what are the biggest surprises to patent attorneys when they encounter litigation, and how attorneys can best assist in litigation. Click here to register
2023 Francis Gurry Lecture on Intellectual Property "Towards a sustainable patent system and society" to be presented by António Campinos President, European Patent Office SYDNEY: Thur. 23 November, 5:15pm-7:00pm (Refreshments 5:15-6:00pm, Presentation 6:00-7:00pm) Hilton Hotel, Level 2, 488 George Street MELBOURNE (+ online stream): Tues. 28 November, 5:15pm-7:00pm (Refreshments 5:15-6:00pm, Presentation 6:00-7:00pm) Melbourne
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Invitations for the IPTA Members' Christmas lunches will be sent directly to IPTA members Proposed Dates Canberra Christmas Lunch - Thursday 28 November 2024 Brisbane Christmas Lunch - Friday 29 November 2024 Adelaide Christmas Lunch - Thursday 5 December 2024 Perth Christmas Lunch - Friday 6 December 2024 Melbourne Christmas lunch - Wednesday 11 December 2024
For Attorneys
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Level 15, 1 Nicholson Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000