
IPTA is the only professional body solely representing patent and trade mark attorneys in Australia.  IPTA is managed by members of the profession on a voluntary basis.  One of the main focusses of IPTA is the promotion and safeguarding of intellectual property rights in Australia while endeavouring to secure the interests of our profession as a whole.  In order to maintain the strength and future of our profession in Australia, we consider it paramount that all eligible attorneys should be members of IPTA.  Our profession is very small compared to other professions and therefore it is vital that we have a strong membership to ensure that our views will be heard, especially by Government when considering new legislation, and the ongoing importance of our role in the IP arena recognised.

Membership of IPTA provides the following benefits:

   Consultation and preparation of submissions to IP Australia etc. on legislative and practice changes both in Australia and internationally

•   Being kept informed of current issues within the profession and legislation changes in relation to Intellectual Property

   Sponsorship of activities and organisations promoting Intellectual Property awareness 

•   Promote improvements in patent, trademark, logo, design and plant breeder’s rights laws and regulations

   Encourage communication between members, allowing them to exchange professional ideas and knowledge on patents, designs, trade marks and plant breeder’s rights issues, and to gather and disseminate professional knowledge

   Promote training and educational status of patent and trade mark attorneys, and to maintain highest standards of professional conduct and knowledge

   Help settle disputes between IPTA practitioners, and between practitioners and clients

   For intellectual property (IP) creators and users, IPTA offers qualified professional attorneys, abiding by a code of ethics, with links to colleagues overseas who can help with international registration of patents and trade marks

   For members, IPTA offers continuous professional education to the highest standards, including monthly webinars

   For the media, IPTA provides an independent, one-stop location for information and comment on patents and trade marks, on IPTA itself, issues relating to international patents and trade marks and the effects of free trade agreements on Australian patents and trade marks

   Members who are Fellows are entitled to use the letters FIPTA after their name

   Opportunity for members to participate in one of the many committees of the Institute and Fellows may join Council

   Access to the members’ section of the Institute’s website including online seminars

   PR/advertising activities for members

•   A social and educational network for junior members (Young IPTA or YIPTA) to encourage involvement and contribution to the profession at an early stage

IPTA also organises an annual conference in which continuous professional education in the various areas of intellectual property features strongly as well as topics in ethics and practice management.

There are six levels of membership available, Fellows, Ordinary, Student, Overseas, Distinguished Fellows and Emeritus Fellows, and information and application forms in relation to these levels and requirements can be found on the Membership Levels and Requirements page, using the links below.